Amanda Jane Miller - In Loving Memory
Latest News 11th February 2021
Simon Miller is happy to announce the birth of a granddaughter to his son Alexander Miller and wife Lauren. Her name is Amanda, chosen by his son in memory of his late mother.
About Amanda
Born on 16th November 1964 in South Ockenden, Essex to Ernest and Doris Smith. The youngest of three children including a brother Paul and Sister Janet. All of her family survive her.
After school she attended secretarial college and started work in Marble Arch as a medical secretary. She met Simon Miller at a party in Basildon Essex on 19th July 1980 and they were married on 7th January 1984 (once they were old enough!). They set up home together in Capstone Road, Gillingham, later moving to Lunsford Lane in Larkfield where all four of their children were born.
Amanda was baptised as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses in 1981 and remained dedicated all her life. She had implicit faith in what she had studied in God’s word the Bible which included a clear understanding of what happens to us when we die and the wonderful hope of future life in a restored paradise earth.
Her four children Lauren, Alexander, Constance and Morgan were born between 1987 and 1993. In 2005 and 2013 she also gained a fine son in law Javan and daughter in law Molly and her family was extended in 2012 and 2014 with the birth of Hamilton and Fox-Belle to daughter Lauren.
Update 11th February 2021
Since the date of Amanda Miller’s passing, Hartwell Stringer, Mountain Miller, Atticus Stringer and today baby Amanda Miller have been born.

In the year 2000, Amanda, with her husband Simon set up the business of Simon Miller & Company. She worked tirelessly in her support of Simon as the business expanded to its current size.
Amanda was characterised by her seemingly inexhaustible cheerfulness and enthusiasm for life. She was considered one of the most modest and humble women who despite tremendous ability, always shied away from publicity and praise.
ln 2007 she was diagnosed with Breast Cancer at the age of just 42. In her usual style she was determined to beat it and continued to live her life to the full, retaining her exuberant charm and love of people. This included her efforts to spread the good news of what she had learnt from God’s word the Bible.

Despite the aggressive progress of the disease, Amanda submitted to rigorous treatment that took a heavy toll. Never complaining, never bemoaning her lot in life she courageously battled on, always thinking of others. Eventually in early 2015, the inevitable prognosis was delivered to Amanda and no more treatment was available.
In the hope of a good summer with her family, Amanda set about planning more happy times with friends and family. Regrettably, this was cut short as her health rapidly deteriorated and on the morning of Thursday 9th July 2015 she passed peacefully away whilst surrounded by her children and husband.
The family, staff and business acquaintances pay tribute to an exceptional woman who was an inspiration to so many. She now awaits the realisation of her hope that all those in God’s memory will live again on earth free of sickness and death.
"And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away."
Revelation 21:4